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We hope you enjoy these photos of the 2014 UC Solar Research Symposium.


 Master of ceremonies Professor Roland Winston speaking

 UC Solar Director and UC Merced Distinguished Professor Roland Winston ably fulfilling his duties as Master of Ceremonies.


  California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey

 California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey opens the symposium.


 President Peevey

 President Peevey is stepping down after six years as CPUC president--six years that were marked by tremendous growth in California's solar industry.


 UC Santa Barbara's Umesh Mishra

 UC Santa Barbara's Umesh Mishra, still basking in the blue glow of UCSB's LED Nobel prize announcement, explains how his team will harness the ultraviolet spectrum to enhance solar cell efficiency.


 Bernadette Del Chiaro

 Bernadette Del Chiaro, Executive Director of the California Solar Energy Industries Association (CALSIEA), responds to an audience question.


UC Solar graduate students Jonathan Ferry (left) and Bennett Widyolar man

UC Solar graduate students Jonathan Ferry (left) and Bennett Widyolar man the registration table. Bennett would also capture one of two $100 awards at the poster session.


 UC Berkeley's Eli Yablonovitch

 UC Berkeley's Eli Yablonovitch points out a key characteristic of the world's most efficient thin film solar cells.


 Sam Baldwin, Chief Science Officer

 Sam Baldwin is the Chief Science Officer of the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. He traveled cross-country to share his insights.


 Sam Baldwin

Sam Baldwin describes one of his many must-see slides.


 Lunch and conversation in the CPUC quad.

 Lunch and conversation in the CPUC quad. The weather was in full cooperation mode.


 Robert Sherick of Southern California Edison

 Robert Sherick of Southern California Edison shares his plan for enabling an integrated grid.


 UC Santa Cruz's Michael Isaacson

 UC Santa Cruz's Michael Isaacson discusses the U.S.-Denmark Renewable Energy Program, which is open to interested students the world over.


 Christian Moe

 Christian Moe is ready for the poster session to begin.


 Jonathan Ferry

 Jonathan Ferry answers the question "What is an XCPC?"


 The California Energy Commission's Laurie ten Hope

 The California Energy Commission's Laurie ten Hope sees solar energy installations in the state moving up and to the right.



 In the great state of California challenges and opportunities go hand-in-hand.